WhatsApp WhatsApp


Digital Marketing

Digital is here to stay and grow exponentially. Increased visibility, marketing opportunity at efficient budgets, and customer engagement – The three benefits of being in digital and breathing digital.


Never miss a customer again! Incorporate these two components for a high performance website or app. Did you know that 94% of your customers are going to navigate off your website or app in case of the not finding what they want in less that 3-5 secs. Need an audit?


Own ultimate, premium, high on performance websites and web portals built on superior and secure technologies. Our capabilities include Static, Dynamic and E-Commerce Websites. Be it corporate, blogging or selling, we have you covered.


60 – 90 – 180 days. See the difference. Get better in search ranking. Good SEO means higher visibility. Get customers to visit your websites and grow your leads organically without spending on advertisement. Afterall, SEO should contribute your 70% of the traffic for a healthy traffic ratio.


Engage and Envolve. Social Media Management helps you convert audience to fans & followers. Expand your brands reach on internet’s hottest social sites. Creative content & seamless execution are the two consistent keys to excel online. Explore the ‘how’ with us.


Designing solutions, and serving greater purpose? Get Mobile App Design and Development to work like magic for you and your customers. We define and build your business on the go on the latest Technology. Your proposition is to monetize and ours is to make it mobile ready.


Simple.We create digital content. It’s the element that helps us to be the company we are and our ever growing client list is an proof to that. Brandstory is one of the leading content marketing communications company in Pune, India provides…


Email Marketing It’s not as easy as it may sound. It’s not just composing an email draft, copying a list of contacts, and clicking the “send” button. Invariably, you will face struggles ranging from privacy issues, permission boundaries, technical glitches ….

Better Discussions, Better Decisions

We are for everyone - Startups, SMBs, Enterprises. Connect with us for a conversation.

Speak to us Digital Marketing Agency in Pune


How a good Website Design can Improve Your B2B Digital Marketing Success?

Concentrated effort towards building trust and relationships and portraying a professional appearance are the key components in Website Design for B2B companies.

Content for The User and not for the Search Engine

Ever thought of what would have happened had Steve Jobs thought of the common user while offering double-priced computers

5 Guidelines for writing SEO friendly content

Use of keywords Research into the content Style of writing Provide links for required information Review of the article once written

5 Most influential UX designs that are inspiring the designers

Anticipatory Designs Conversational Interface Designs Futuristic designs Skeleton screen Age Responsive designs


Marketers send out timely emails to large groups of people who have signed up for their contact list to inform potential customers of sales, discounts, and product launches. The impact of email marketing is clear: When used strategically, it can have an average return on investment (ROI) of 4,200 percent for every dollar invested.

  • Timed emails that raise brand awareness during holiday seasons
  • Blast emails that inform recipients about upcoming sales events
  • Targeted emails that send personalized offers and messages to specific groups on an email list


Enterprice SEO is the process of focusing on seo strategies that will improve organic presence and revenue for larger organizations(usually defined by the number of pages on the site ,not necessarily the number of emplees).These strategies need to be scalable and strategic so an enterprise company can maintain its ranking on search engines.

  • Maintain Page Speed
  • Group Content in Sub Domain
  • Link Building
  • Refresh old contents,but protect domain authority and backlinks
  • Quality content creation at scale
  • Strategic Keyword Collection
  • Automation
  • Don't forget about technical SEO


WhatsApp also offers the WhatsApp Business app. This targets small businesses and makes it easy to personally connect with your customers, highlight your products and services, and answer their questions. You can also create a catalog to showcase your products and services and use special tools to automate, sort, and quickly respond to messages. There is also a WhatsApp Business Platform currently in limited public preview that offers additional tools to assist businesses to use the app for marketing, selling, customer service, and communication.

  • Real-Time Customer Service
  • Send Your Location on WhatsApp
  • Use Disappearing Messages
  • Use WhatsApp Payments with Your Customers
  • Format Your Messages Attractively
  • Create a WhatsApp Product Catalog


Bulk SMS marketing (also known as mass SMS marketing) is mass communications via text message to a database of consenting contacts. In layman's terms, it's sending a lot of texts to a lot of people at once. Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, sponsored messages, or commercials, it's a channel your customers opt in to receive. Plus, it’s illegal to text or call a cell phone number without prior consent under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

  • Welcome messages
  • Promotions and campaigns
  • Promotions and campaigns
  • Product updates
  • Customer service communications
  • Event invitations